CREC is a team of engineers committed to solving the challenges of waste management across developing and established countries providing reliable affordable renewable energy.
99% Recycling Rate
CREC Waste Resource Conversion systems immediately create 99% recycling compliant communities with no change in consumer behavior.
35,000 Homes
Our facilities have the potential to provide electricity to over 35,000 homes. That is over 35,000 homes each year per operating plant.
90% Capacity Factor
Every CREC plant produces renewable carbon neutral energy 90% of the year making them more reliable than Coal, Natural gas, Wind and Solar plants.
Configurable Inputs & Outputs
CREC’s plants are configurable by nature to fit local demands and requirements. The facilities’ outputs can adjust to produce Renewable Electricity, Renewable Natural Gas or both. The inputs can be adjusted to handle higher volumes of plastic, green waste, or recyclable material. Our design accounts for season fluctuations and dynamically adjusts to handle it.
Turnkey Operations
All system units: sorters, cleaners, pyrolizers, turbines, etc. are “off the shelf”. Each unit has extensive field testing in a variety of applications. The Company’s process is designed to meet the manufacturer’s requirements. Thus, all units will be procured with manufacturer performance guarantees, ensuring plant production capacity and reliability
Scaleable Facilities
The plant size is scalable. From receiving and sorting waste, to pyrolysis, to combustion engine energy production, each processing line is self contained. A single line can handle approximately 25 MT / hour of raw MSW and is expected to operate 18 hours a day, 6 days a week. Processing lines can be easily added to meet the demands.